

发布时间:2015-05-08    作者:    来源:    浏览次数:    打印


1. M. Liu(刘敏), Y. Pang, B. Zhang, P. Luna, O. Voznyy, J. Xu, X. Zheng, C. Dinh, F. Fan, C. Cao, F. P. García de Arquer, T. Safaei, A. Mepham, T. Filleter, D. Sinton, S. Kelley, E. Sargent, “Enhanced CO2 Reduction Catalysts via  Field-Induced Reagent Concentration”, Nature, 2016, 537,382.

2. J. Q. Meng(孟建桥), G. D. Liu, W. T. Zhang, L. Zhao, H. Y. Liu, X. W. Jia, D. X. Mu, S. Y. Liu, X. L. Dong, J. Zhang, W. Lu, G. L. Wang, Y. Zhou, Y. Zhu, X. Y. Wang, Z. Y. Xu, C. T. Chen, X. J. Zhou,* “Coexistence of Fermi arcs and Fermi Pockets in a High-Tc Copper Oxide Superconductor”, Nature, 2009, 462, 335.

3.  H. T. Wei, Y. J. Fang, P. Mulligan, W. Chuirazzi,H. H. Fang, C. C. Wang, B. R. Ecker, Y. L. Gao,  M. A. Loi, L. Cao, J. S. Huang, “Sensitive X-ray detectors made of methylammonium lead tribromide perovskite single crystals”, Nature Photonics, 2016, 10, 339.

4. Y. Yuan(袁永波), G. Giri, A. Ayzner, A. Zoombelt, S. Mannsfeld, J. Chen, J. Huang, and Z. Bao, “Ultra-high-mobility Transparent Organic Thin Film Transistors Grown by an Off-centre spin-coating Method”, Nature Communication, 2014,5, 3005.

5. G. S. Hong, Y. P. Zou (邹应萍,通讯作者), A. L. Antaris, S. Diao, D. Wu, K. Cheng, X. D. Zhang, C. X. Chen, B. Liu, Y. H. He, J. Z. Wu, J. Yuan, B. Zhang, Z. M. Tao, C. Fukunaga, H. J. Dai. “Ultrafast Fluorescence Imaging in Vivo with Conjugated Polymer Fluorophores in the Second near-infrared  Window”, Nature Communication, 2014, 5,4206. 

6. D Sun, M Fang(方梅,共同一作), X Xu, et al. “Active control of magnetoresistance of organic spin valves using ferroelectricity”, Nature Communications, 2013, 5,4396.

7. Y. Yuan(袁永波), T. J. Reece, P. Sharma, S. Poddar, S. Ducharme, A. Gruverman, Y. Yang and J. Huang, “Efficiency enhancement in organic solar cells with ferroelectric polymers”, Nature Materials, 2011,10, 296.

8. M. Cinchetti, K. Heimer, J. P. Wüstenberg, O. Andreyev, M. Bauer, S. Lach, C. Ziegler, Y. L. Gao (高永立,共同指导作者), M. Aeschlimann, “Determination of Spin Injection and Transport in a Ferromagnet/organic Semiconductor Heterojunction by Two-photon Photoemission”, Nature Materials, 2009, 8,115.

9. J. Q. Meng(孟建桥), P. M. Oppeneer, J. A. Mydosh, P. S. Riseborough, K. Gofryk, J. J. Joyce, E. D. Bauer, Y. W. Li, T. Durakiewicz,* “Photoemission Imaging of 3D Fermi Surface Pairing at the Hidden Order Transition in URu2Si2”. Physical Review Letters, 2013, 111,127002.

10. J. T. Sun, H. Huang, *(黄寒,通讯作者S. L. Wong, H. J. Gao, Y. P. Feng, A. T. S. Wee, * “Energy-gap Opening in a Bi(110) nanoribbon Induced by Edge Reconstruction”, Physical Review Letters, 2012,109, 246804. 

11. J. He (何军), H. Z. ZhongG. D. Scholes, “Electron-hole Overlap Dictates the Hole Spin Relaxation Rate in Nanocrystal Heterostructures”, Physical Review Letters, 2010, 105, 046601.

12. Y. Yang, J. Gao, Z. Zhang, S. Xiao*(肖思,通讯作者), H. H. Xie, Z.B. Sun, J. H. Wang, C. H. Zhou, Y. W. Wang, X. Y. Guo*, Paul K. Chu, X. F. Yu*,“Black phosphorus based photocathodes in wideband bifacial dye-sensitized solar cells”, Advanced Materials, 2016,28, 8937.

13. J. L. Yang (阳军亮, 通讯作者),* D. H. Yan, T. S. Jones, Molecular Template Growth and its Applications in Organic Electronics and Optoelectronics, Chemical Reviews, 2015, 115, 5570-5603.

14. Xiaoming Yuan(袁小明), Philippe Caroff, Jennifer Wong-Leung, Lan Fu, Hark Hoe Tan, Chennupati Jagadish.Tunable polarity in a III-V nanowire by droplet wetting and surface energy engineering,Advanced Materials, 2015,27, 6096-6103.

15. Z. J. Yang (杨中见), T. J. Antosiewicz, R. Verre, F. J. García de Abajo, S. Peter Apell and Mikael Käll, “Ultimate limit of light extinction by nanophotonic structures” , Nano Letters, 2015, 15, 7633-7638.

16. G. Z. Dai(代国章), B. S. Zou*, Z. L. Wang, “Preparatio nand Periodic Emission of Superlattice CdS/CdS:SnS Microwires”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010, 132,12174.
